7th century AD; 1935
Archeologists unearth the massive tomb of Pakal, the greatest Mayan king, in the Palenque, Mexico. It’s the discovery of the century, they think. They’re wrong. Instead, deep in the pyramid that holds the seventh-century ruler, hides a primitive codex, predicting the collapse of the solar system. It’s the discovery of the century, maybe of all time.
World War II
Deciphered by Alan Turing, the war’s cryptographer-genius, the codex is jealously guarded by the Astronomers, a deadly offshoot of the Catholic Church. They’ve compromised or killed anyone with knowledge of the secret – presidents, for example.
The codex pulls many into its orbit. Noah Scott, a physician-turned reporter, and his partner Kate investigate the murder of DiShannia, an extraordinarily bright teen recognized for her research on the demise of the Mayan civilization. The murder prompts Kate and Noah to pursue DiShannia’s mentors across half the world: in Washington DC, in London’s British Museum, in the Center for Nuclear research in Geneva, and Melbourne, Australia. Each step enlightens them, offers them clues. Frightens them.
Will the world end? The Potter knows the answer. Noah, Kate discover it. We learn it too – on the last page.